Saturday Evening Singing Meditation Sessions with Christian and David

Sa 19.30–21.00 (alternating dates, see below for upcoming sessions)
Studio Sonne, Sonnenallee 67
10/12€/Flatrate/11-class card/USC

Music and especially the voice has always been used as a transformational tool. It is a powerful way to calm the mind and to experience what is in the present moment. Using a combination of breath awareness exercises and vocal exploration, in these special Saturday evening sessions we work with our voices and with sounds in different ways to make a connection to our true natures and to come into a moment of flow.

Singing with others is a beautiful way to feel a deeper sense of community and togetherness. So be curious, join us and bring a friend – or maybe make some new ones!

These Saturday evening sessions are held 1-2 times a month, accompanied and led by either Christian or David. You can also expect guest appearances from other members of the yellow yoga community.

Upcoming dates

Mar 14 – with David
Mar 21 – with David
Mar 28 – with Christian
April 18 – with Christian
May 2 – with David
May 30 – with Christian
June 6 – with Christian
June 20 – with David
June 27 – with David
July 4 – with David
July 11 – with David
August 22 – with Christian
September 26 – with Christian
October 24 – with Christian
November 21 – with Christian
December 19 – with Christian

Christian Grothe is a musician, producer and yoga teacher. He discovered kundalini yoga during his university years. When his kundalini teacher talked about a teacher training in France he immediately knew that this was his journey. Since the beginning it had a transformative effect on his life which he likes to share with others.

David Ikonomou started taking regular yoga classes in 2000 after travelling through India. After ten years of experience in yoga practice, he became a certified yoga teacher at the Sivananda Kutir in Netala, Himalayas of India in 2010. Since then he has been continuously evolving by practising and training in different styles (Anusara, Ashtanga Vinyasa).

In his teaching, he likes to emphasise the cultivation of awareness, breathing and alignment – adjusting to the needs of every individual student.